The author of the analysis, Ivan Brodic says the opposition in Macedonia assisted primarily by the US want to oust the VMRO-DPMNE led Government which will result in changing of Macedonia's constitutional name.
- I've been following the situation in Macedonia, namely the NGO organized protests and the huge counter protests, the blockade of euro-atlantic integration... In all this I noticed activities to oust the current Government so a new puppet Government can change the name. According to my observations, the majority of Macedonia is very much against this plot despite futile attempts by left-oriented journalists to paint a picture that does not correspond at all to the real situation - says Brodic.
The Americans know that VMRO-DPMNE enjoys huge support among the populace, and this is bad news for them. As a result, they decided to go for plan B and suspend democracy in Macedonia by appoinitng a Special Prosecution office, which serves only the interests of those who want to change Macedonia's name, namely the SDSM and the foreign factor, says Brodic.
But it isn't just the defending of its national and economic interests that have drawn the ire of the US. Looking at stats, Macedonia has the best economic indicators not just in the region, but in Europe. As a result thousands of new jobs have been created and Macedonians have taken notice of this as well.
According to Brodic, the foreign factor will continue working on ousitng VMRO-DPMNE, however it isn't likely that the population will go along nor will it allow this.